A little tough at first, but fun. You'll find yourself searching deep within your mind for the choices that can't written down, but only remembered for their placement. I did a "very easy" just to get the hang of it in about five minutes and the a "hard" one in about 15 + minutes. Good luck to all, you'll need it.
Controller is Horrible....Instead of regular play, you have to click on a square where a circle pops up for you to choose an option of what you are trying to add. There is nothing I saw to explain their controls. No lighted guides occur when you click on their filled cells.
Yeah! I It is good.
Terrible table and controls
Not designed for children??
nice app. game
nice fun cool game
The puzzles are fun and intense, it allows me to think more freely and with the help of the notes that I can make ,it is easier.